The playlists

The playlists

Best Acoustic Guitar Songs

Best Acoustic Guitar Songs (‘ BAGS’ for friends) is my first playlist and recently reached 50.000 followers on Spotify. If you want to know more about its history and content, click on the button below!

Best Acoustic Covers

Best Acoustic Covers is a collection of 100 covers, each of which features the acoustic guitar. Click on the button below if you want to know more about it!

Best Ukulele Songs

As a ukulele player myself, I felt the need to create a playlist with the best songs that feature the ukulele, the happiest instrument in the world. Click on the button below to discover what artists I decided to include!

Acoustic Girls

I have always had a soft spot for songs combining an acoustic guitar with a great female voice. Click on the button below if you want to know more about the story behind this list!

Acoustic Guitar and
Violin / Cello

Trust me when I say there’s no other playlist on Spotify. Click the button below and be amazed by how many famous artists have embraced this instrumental combo!

Happy Acoustic Guitar

I’ve been often “accused of including too many sad songs in my playlists. This one is to prove them wrong!