About me

Hi there, my name is Alessio and I am a 25 y.o. Italian guy living in the Netherlands.

Starting from my music side, I’m a classical guitar player (one of those weirdos with nails on only four fingers, you know) and I have been playing the classical guitar for more than 15 years. Music has always been my true passion, even if I’ve never been bold enough to dive into a musical career. Let's say Italy doesn't offer many prospects in that regard. This is why I enrolled in law school and graduated in Rome after 5 long years. Fun fact, during my third year of studies, I even prepared for the conservatory admission exam, but I never showed up.

Anyway, in August 2022 I moved to the Netherlands to attend a Master in European Criminal Justice, my favorite subject. Meanwhile, I had already started working with my playlist 'Best Acoustic Guitar Songs,' but fate had it that this activity took off precisely during my stay in the Land of Tulips.

So, after graduating a second time, I found myself at a crossroads: on the one hand, applying for jobs in the law field, with all the stress, frustrations, and disappointments that come with it, or, on the other hand, exploring the full potential of this creation of mine.

This blog represents one of the ways to explore that potential and I hope you’ll enjoy it. Thanks for reading :)