Here Comes the Sun - SYML

As a guitarist, it's no surprise that I’m obsessed with everything written by George Harrison of The Beatles. That’s probably why "Here Comes the Sun" makes its way into nearly all of my playlists. However, today I want to share a different version of the song — one I stumbled upon by chance while exploring SYML’s discography.

Forget the original's energy and upbeat tempo; instead, let yourself be enveloped by this gentle interplay of piano and guitar arpeggios. While The Beatles’ version clearly celebrates the sun's return after a long winter, SYML’s interpretation feels more like one of those autumn days when the sunlight brings joy, yet there’s a bittersweet awareness that it will soon be gone for a few months.

I’ll leave the Spotify link below for you to listen.


A Lot More Free - Max McNown


Can’t See Straight - Acoustic - Jamie Lawson