She Don’t Love Me Anymore - Charles Wesley Godwin

Hello everyone, and welcome to this new tutorial! Today, I’m excited to show you how to play a recently released song that I’ve been absolutely obsessed with. In my opinion, it's already one of the best acoustic guitar songs of the year: She Don’t Love Me Anymore by Charles Wesley Godwin.

To be honest, since there weren’t any videos available yet, it took me a while to figure out that you actually need to retune the third string from G to A. Once you do that, you’ll notice that the pull-off in the F major chord becomes much smoother and cleaner. In fact, that pull-off is the only time the third string is played in the entire song!

As for the right-hand technique, it might sound unusual, but I don’t use my index finger at all. Instead, I play the third and second strings with my middle finger, the first string with my ring finger, and the bass strings with my thumb. It’s a very comfortable approach that works well for this song.

The left hand doesn’t require any special instructions since the song is built around familiar chord shapes. That said, I really hope you enjoy this track as much as I do because it’s an absolute joy to listen to, play, and sing!

As always, you can find the tabs on my Patreon page. Have fun learning!


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